Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Ukrainian Style

Well, it is that time of the year again. I just celebrated living another year. Every year, I start off February saying that I don't want to have a party this year; and every year..... I end up having more than one. I have learned that it doesn't matter whether I want to celebrate getting a year older. There are people that want to celebrate it anyway. I am not sure that it isn't just to rub it in that I am getting OLD-er, or if they are really happy that I made it another year. Whatever the case, if I don't plan something.... it will happen anyway... like spontaneous combustion. If you know me very well, you know that I would rather have a plan than to be caught off-guard.

Since my birthday landed on a Wednesday, I thought I had won a reprive until the weekend. Nothing doing...! The school planned a "Day of Knowledge" celebration to acknowledge the first graders completing their first text book and I had to be at school. Now mind you, Wednesday is my day off and I had visions of sleeping until noon and then lazying around in my Eeyore pj's for several more hours. Now, I had to not only get up early, but shower and dress. UGH!!!! As I entered the hall for the celebration, the MC for the day announced that the day was special for another reason. All the students and teachers yelled out Happy Birthday and began singing the birthday song in English. I guess it was worth waking up early for after all.

Wednesday is also my day to teach English at the Children's Home. So I planned a party for that time. Cake (shaped like a cute little chick), chips, candy, and drinks. It was a lot of fun and the kids were SO polite. I had to make them eat.... but once they started... well that is a different story. At the end, one of the girls (Lena) stood up and read a card she had made for me IN ENGLISH. Then she turned to me and said "I love you" and kissed me. WOW!!!!! This was the best birthday present ever. Such unhindered love and affection coming from a child who was abandoned and had NO family to ever visit her.

That wasn't all. Dinner out with friends. Another party with our adult English class. A full-fledged Ukrainian celebration with all the food on Saturday for 12 people. And... a Shrimp Po-boy lunch with a friend on Sunday.

Isn't life great? I am glad that God has me here and has given me such wonderful friends to be apart of my life. I just pray that in some small way I can bring glory to Him by bringing joy to these friends.
All-in-all... this was a great birthday. I can't wait to see what next year brings!!!!


Heidi and Felix said...

Happy Birthday, Becky! Thank you for all the work you do in Ukraine. Thank you for being there for us when we needed a friend and thank you for introducing us to more Ukrainian friends. You and they are aways on my mind and I hope everyone is doing well under the current economy.

Is the children home the one that N, J & K are from. I am glad we were able to pay it forward, so to speak, and get you into that orphanage. Those children need all the love that they can get. If you do see Galina and the staff, not to mention the friends of our kids, tell them that the kids are excelling and doing great in Colorado. If you could print pictures from the blog or if I could send you some for them that would be ablessing to them and greatly appreciated by all.

God bless you Becky and Nadia. We will see you again in 2010 when we come for Rimma and Zina.


Lisa said...

Happy Belated Birthday Becky. Sounds like it was a day worth getting up for!

Anonymous said...

Birthday's are always special. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time.

Leslie said...

Hi, Becky-
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement you left on my blog! Could we please get together WHEN I come back to Ukraine for this little one? I would be so honored to share some time with you. Please pray for us!